Francesca ‘Frankie’ Smith has won a prestigious Enterprise Investment Scheme Association award in recognition of her advocacy for the work of the EISA.

Frankie, Strategic Financial Planner at Jarrovian Wealth, was one of five industry specialists shortlisted in the category for Best S/EIS Advocate at an awards event at the House of Lords last night.

Judges said advocacy of the work S/EIS accomplishes is paramount. The judges commented: “This was a very strong category and all entrants demonstrated commitment to creating awareness of both EIS and SEIS, engaging various audiences in different ways.  It was clear from the entries that there were lots of focus to bring awareness of EIS/SEIS to diverse audiences that may not have had any prior knowledge.  Each finalist endeavoured to use power of communication to endorse and celebrate the S/EIS, making judging this category a joy but simultaneously extremely difficult.”

Alongside her role with Jarrovian, Frankie has launched her own exclusive and innovative networking organisation inspiring businesswomen to connect, collaborate and engage with finance.

Two years ago, she co-founded a monthly investment club with Allbright, the female Private Members Club in Mayfair, where Frankie hosts popular monthly events on a vast range of financial topics helping women to dissect the jargon of the financial services industry.  This year she also linked up with Home Grown to launch an investment club for businessmen and women.

Frankie says: “I’m quite stunned to receive this amazing award and thank the judges and the EISA.”

For further information about Frankie’s and our future events, visit our events page.

Media Contact:

Paul Smith Associates: Paul Smith Tel: +44 (0)7771 623 007; email: